If you live in Texas or have ever lived there, you might have some unclaimed money waiting for you. Unclaimed money is any financial asset that has been abandoned or forgotten by its owner for a certain period of time. This could include bank accounts, uncashed checks, stocks, bonds, dividends, insurance policies, utility deposits, refunds, and more. How to Find and Claim Your Unclaimed Money in Texas. In this article, we will discuss How to Search for Unclaimed Money in Texas.
The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is the official custodian of unclaimed money in the state. The comptroller’s office collects and safeguards unclaimed money from various sources and tries to reunite it with its rightful owners or heirs. According to the comptroller’s website, Texas has returned more than $4 billion in unclaimed money to its rightful owners.
How to Search for Unclaimed Money in Texas
The first step to finding and claiming your unclaimed money in Texas is to search the comptroller’s online database. Hover over Claiming Property > “Search for Unclaimed Property” on the comptroller’s website or click the GET STARTED button on the home page to access the database.
To search for unclaimed money, you need to enter your name or business name, city, and/or zip code. You can also enter a property ID number if you have one. The database will show you a list of potential matches with the property type, amount, reported owner name, and last known address. You can click on any match to see more details and initiate a claim.
How to Claim Your Unclaimed Money in Texas
You can start the claim process online if you or someone you are legally authorized to represent owns a match. The Person will need to provide some information about yourself and the property, such as your social security number, current address, phone number, email address, and relationship to the owner.
You will also need to upload some documents to prove your identity and ownership of the property. The required documents may vary depending on the type and amount of the property, but they usually include:
- A copy of your driver’s license or state-issued ID card
- A copy of your social security card or other proof of SSN
- A copy of a document showing your current address
- If applicable, a copy of a document demonstrating your name change
- A copy of a death certificate and/or probate documents if claiming on behalf of a deceased owner
- A copy of a business document if claiming on behalf of a business entity
After submitting your claim online or printing it and mailing it to the comptroller’s office, you can track the status of your claim online by entering your claim ID number and email address. Then, the comptroller’s office will review your claim and contact you if they need more information or verification. Finally, if your claim is approved, you will receive a check in the mail within 90 days.
How to Prevent Your Money from Becoming Unclaimed
To avoid losing track of your money and assets, you should follow these tips:
- Keep your contact information updated with your financial institutions, employers, insurers, and other entities that may owe you money
- Cash or deposit any checks you receive as soon as possible
- Review your bank statements and other financial records regularly
- Notify your bank if you move or change your name
- Claim any dividends, interest, or refunds that are due to you
- Keep a record of your accounts, policies, stocks, bonds, and other assets
- Make a will or trust and inform your beneficiaries of your assets
By following these steps, you can ensure that your money stays with you and not with the state. However, if you do have some unclaimed money in Texas, you can easily search for it and claim it online through the comptroller’s website. You never know what you might find!
End Thought
To conclude, the owner of any financial asset that has been abandoned or forgotten for a certain period of time has unclaimed money. The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts is the official custodian of unclaimed money in the state and has returned more than $4 billion to its rightful owners. You can search for and claim your unclaimed money online through the comptroller’s website. You can also prevent your money from becoming unclaimed by keeping your contact information updated, cashing or depositing any checks you receive, reviewing your financial records, and making a will or trust.